Detroit Young Professionals

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Sound Bites From January 2015 Open House

Over 150 Detroit Young Professionals, members and non-members, flocked to Punch Bowl Social for the January 2015 DYP Open House. At the free event, guests delighted in complimentary appetizers and a private cash bar at one of, if not the, trendiest hot-spots in Detroit -- bowling alleys, moose antler chandelier, and quirkiness galore. Young professionals from a wide range of industries connected with both new and familiar faces and met Detroit Young Professional’s newly elected Leadership Team. If you missed out, or even if you didn’t, we’ve got the last word from several of the attendees. It's all here!

Autumn Hicks, Realtor in Detroit said, “I think it's great that there is a group where all of the young professionals around in the area can meet each other and get to know each other's businesses.” Hicks also says that she is so into her own business that she is elated to meet and learn about what other young professionals and their businesses are doing in and for Detroit.

Sharice Foster, Operations Engineer spoke on the current climate for young professionals in Detroit: “I think this point in time represents a changing of the guard. There are a lot of opportunities now that you have so many different businesses and tech companies that are changing the landscape of Detroit not just being known as the Motor City. I think it changes the way the world sees us and I think we really need that image makeover.” Foster also believes that gathering the best and brightest of the city with the help of Detroit Young Professionals allows them to unify and make a great impact as a whole.

Anya Petchuck, Social Media Manager, is very interested in the volunteer opportunities the Detroit Young Professional offers also wants to meet more people in the city of Detroit. “I think that young professionalism in Detroit has become a movement because unlike any time period in my life and anytime before, I don't think there has been such a magnitude of young people coming into the city and wanting to be a part of it and making it their community. I think that what is occurring right now is really remarkable.”

Doug Brown, of ASTI Environmental: “I heard about the event from a board member. This is not a crowd I run into everyday but I am looking to start relationships with people in their 20’s and 30’s who are interested in real-estate development and I don't see any of my competitors here and that's what I find intriguing about the event.”

Lauren McNeary, National Kidney Foundation of Michigan, has been affiliated with DYP for years. “I've  always kept abreast of the events and different things the organization has going on. The atmosphere of this event is very laid back and the venue gives you the opportunity to explore and meet people who may have not heard of DYP.”

Samantha Todd, Scarlett Communications, Operations Manager heard of the event from a former DYP board member. “I am not currently a DYP member but I am interested in learning more about it. I like the event how the atmosphere is laid back with no pressure, everyone can meet new people.”

That’s a wrap from the 2015 DYP Open House. Click here to learn more about our upcoming events like Public Speaking with Dale Carnegie, Service In The City & more.