Join DYP Members and Friends as we again support the North End Youth Improvement Council Adopt-A-Child Christmas Program.
The Adopt-A-Child Christmas Program provides warm clothing and toys to more than 3500 children each year. The mission of this program is simple: to match needy children with individuals and organizations who are willing to purchase gifts. The gifts are given directly to the children by the “adoptive” parents during a large Christmas party at Cobo Center. Without the Adopt-A- Child party, many of these children would have nothing to look forward to during the holiday season. All of the Adopt-A- Child recipients are pre-screened by their parent’s social security number, which ensures that they are truly in need of assistance.
Shortly after registration closes, registrants will be paired with their adopted children and provided more information (age, clothing size etc...). At a minimum, registrants are asked to provide a warm coat, two outfits and an age appropriate toy for each adopted child.
Registration Closes on Friday, November 14th. Space is limited. Register Now!